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Crystals, Geodes, and Tumbled Stones

Selenite Iceberg Rough Stone Specimen

This lovely selenite iceberg has been carved out of white selenite (gypsum) and has been left in its natural state. This piece is perfect for any altar, sacred space or home. Place it in any area or space to help neutralize negative energies and to ensure a calm and peaceful environment. Approximately 4" height.

Selenite clears negative energies and is powerful enough to reprogram other stones. It is a stone of mental clarity, expanding awareness and improving one's connection with the Divine. Selenite can be placed on the Third Eye Chakra to increase telepathic abilities. Rubbing the stone enhances intuition and aids meditation.

Note: The written spiritual meanings and metaphysical properties of our gemstones and crystals are meant to be considered entertainment. None of the descriptions on this website and in our store are meant to replace medical advice or treat illness. We encourage you to use gemstones and crystals to enhance your life and broaden your mind, with the understanding the varied nature of each person's experience.

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