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Candles, Holders, Snuffers, & Lanterns

Inner Balance ~ Blessed Herbal Candle

The Blessed Herbal candles work through your intent as it is combined with the vibration created by the candles herbs, oils, colors and blessing. When you set your intent and vision for your life, the candle holds that wish while you work through and clear the things that were holding you back from the ideal you seek. For 20 years Coventry Creations has been hand pouring the Blessed Herbal Candles when the moon is right, in a sacred space and with added blessings.

A light blue candle infused with cedar, sage and jasmine oils. 1.5 x 7 pillar with a 40 hour burn time.

Daily life is framed by extremes and bound by one’s response to them. At any given moment, we wear the masks of comedy or tragedy in a continual cycle of action and reaction. This Candle slows the emotional and spiritual pendulum swings and bringing you to your center. This is a gentle task, like water finding its own level, carving a path in the earth for itself over centuries. A moment of quiet contemplation can mend a day’s worth of turmoil.


I stand in the center,
neither laughing nor crying,
neither Yin nor Yang,
to experience the moment that brings everything into balance.
Clarity comes upon me like the dawn where I see all of life in its proper order.
So this is and so it will be.

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